I do not know where the time has gone. The last few months have been a bit of a blur as we have worked on building the house and I realized I hadn't taken a picture of Hank in a while. It makes me sad to look back and see my last post of Hank and have a visual of how much he has grown up. This little wild man of mine has brought so much happiness to our family. Hankie is always on the move, exploring, and getting into things he probably shouldn't. He has mastered walking and recently started to say a few words (mama, dada, bubba, more, all done, dog, night night, hello). He idolizes his big brother, adores his Dad, and is currently quite attached to his mommy. We all love him dearly and wish that time would slow down just a bit so we could enjoy our baby a little longer.
Oh Mr. Hank how we all love you!