Poor little Bergie has been a little sick the last few days and boy have we had our ups and downs, he is on the mend and thankfully his smiles are returning.
I'm sure hoping April showers or snow storms bring May flowers. I planted tulips in the fall which seem hesitant to bloom in this crazy weather, but my neighbors flowers are looking beautiful. Come on little tulips you can do it!
This afternoon I was able to go down to Ogden and take family photos for my cousin, Nicki. I was so excited I had to post them right away so she could get a sneak peak. I had such a hard time choosing, there are so many great shots. The weather was beautiful and the location had me wishing I could move back home. The kids were hilarious. Christian and Nadya were quite the posers, so fun! Blanches, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to take your pics; your family is beautiful!