Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Fun!

I love Halloween. When I was younger my Mom's family used to farm pumpkins and then sell them to stores. My favorite thing was going out to the pumpkin patch and picking the biggest pumpkin I could find. We would spend hours searching for the perfect pumpkin. It was usually so big I had to roll it to the car. I'm not quite ready to grow up; I still want to carve pumpkins and dress up. Reese was great and gave into my wish of carving pumpkins however on Halloween morning when I started painting my face green he wanted to know what in the world I was doing, "You know you have to go out in public and do things today?" Luckily I had the excuse that I had to visit some day cares for work and the kids would be dressed up and think it was fun. The kids loved it, but when I was driving to all the day cares I had to take my hat off and was driving around with just a green face. People were staring at me like I was a nut, I guess some days I am!


Jenna said...

Hey Ashlee this is Jenna Herzog.... I am so glad you jumped on the band wagon with the blogging. My blog address is Keep in touch!

April said...

Hi Ashlee, it's April! I found your blog through someone else's and I hope you don't mind that I look at it. I love your Halloween costume! It's going to be good to see what you and Reese are up to. :)

Jeff and Susan said...

welcome to the blogging world! i am excited to see your upcoming posts!

Branch said...

Ashlee I love the costume! Your pumpkins look great too! That would be really funny to see someone with a green face driving around!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ash it's Kayli glad you found my blog I or I probally wouldn't have known you started one. Ok - scary - since when do you ride motorcylces???

Alicia and Jake said...

hey Ashlee how are you? this is Alicia!! i had no clue u were married? i lost track of everyone after high school it seems like! i remember seeing u at Jakes moms ward when we would go with her!! well u look really cute and happy like always!! i added u to our blog i hope u dont mind! here is our site
hope to hear from u soon!

Kari said...

Hey Ash,
I was excited to find your blog off shay's. Look at you riding a motorcycle! that's awesome! I'm glad we'll be able to keep in touch better now!

Anonymous said...

Ashlee and Reese you are the best, and if you don't think so just ask my kids. :) Thank you so much for all the fun in Arizona. We sure appreciate how good you are to our kids, and how helpful you are to us. Your blog is adorable. I am so excited to follow it. You know how much I love to look at peoples blogs. We love you tons. Take Care, and hopefully will see you sooner than later. Sarah

Melanie said...

HAHA! I love your green face! That is awesome! We miss you guys so much, we need to come up and visit again. I am excited you're blogging now so keep updating! Oh and I didn't know you had motorcycles. That is awesome. We miss you guys tons!!

Lee Jacobs said...

oh that Reese, he is quite the charmer. Hey Ashlee, this is Lee. We need to come visit you guys again.